Biography - J M Hawkins
J. M. Hawkins,
an intelligent farmer, who saw three years of service in
the war of the Rebellion, is a son of John Hawkins, who was born near
Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and who came to Douglas county in 1851, and
settled on a farm three miles south of Newman, where he resided and was
prominent in his neighborhood up until his death, which occurred in the year
1886. Among some more of the earlier settlers are mention Cornelius, Robert
and James Hopkins, Robert Albin and Enoch Newell, who are all early settlers
from Indiana. John Hawkins wedded Margaret Cassady, of Ohio, but a native of
J. M. Hawkins was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, February 5, 1839, and came to Douglas county in the fall of the year above mentioned. In February, 1862, he volunteered in the First Missouri Regiment of Infantry and participated in many of the principal battles of the war, remaining out until its close. He afterward returned home and engaged in farming, and succeeding in making an honest living and securing the good opinion of his neighbors. His farm contains only forty-four acres, but he is satisfied with it.
In 1867 our subject was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Johnson, a daughter of J. T. Johnson, who practiced medicine at Bourbon up to 1871, when he removed to Barton county, Missouri, where he died sixteen years ago at the age of sixty-four years. He was a native of Ohio. Mr. Hawkins was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias. He is unassuming in his manner and gentle in his conduct toward his fellow men.
Extracted by Linda Lang from the Historical and Biographical Record of Douglas County, Illinois, page 183.