biographies of Newman township would be incomplete without
an extended notice of Mr. Culbertson, who has done more than any other one
man toward developing the eastern part of the county and the improvement and
beautifying of the town of Newman. The family from which he is descended is
of Scotch origin. One of his great-grandfathers emigrated from the north of
Ireland in an early day, and settled in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.
Another great-grand father, William McClay, who was born in Pennsylvania,
and who, with Robert Morris, were the first United States senators from
Pennsylvania. The descendants of the Culbertsons became quite numerous in
Lancaster county, and the settlement was known as Culbertson's row. Here his
father. Charles M. Culbertson, was born, and after his marriage of Elizabeth
McPamma emigrated in 1818 to Indiana, and settled in Jefferson county. In
this county Charles M. Culbertson was born August 5, 1819, and received only
the meagre school advantages common in that day, consequently he had to rely
on his own industry and perceptions for the elements of knowledge which he
acquired. At fourteen years of age he left home and went to Newport,
Indiana, where he commenced clerking in a store, which position he held for
about eight years. At first he received a salary of eighty dollars a year,
out of which he clothed himself. His salary for the year 1841 was two
hundred dollars. He soon exhibited business qualifications of a high order
and it was not long until he entered into a partnership with Daniel A.
Jones, who carried on a general merchandising and pork packing business at
Newport, which lasted up until 1865. Up to 1854 the business was carried on
at the latter place and after that date in Chicago (Mr. Culbertson removed
to Chicago in 1857). In 1843 he was married to Miss Rhoda Williams, of
Newport, whose parents were from Pennsylvania. In 1852 he entered a section
of land in Newman township and kept on increasing it until at one time he
owned two thousand, three hundred and forty acres, and his farms, which he
recently divided among his heirs, are the finest and best improved in the
county. The home farm of five hundred and sixty acres, that he gave his
grandson, E. C. Remick, is situated four miles north of Newman and is
decidedly the most beautiful and attractive country home in this vicinity.
Mr. Culbertson has erected a beautiful brick business block and it was
principally due to his efforts that the town of Newman has over six miles of
fine concrete sidewalks. He is still hale and hearty, active and straight,
and would easily be taken for a man not more than past sixty.
Extracted 09 Jun 2019 by Norma Hass from the Historical and Biographical Record of Douglas County, Illinois, published in 1900, pages 220-221.